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Review Guidelines

Last updated: 23 August 2024

Planit Experience Review Guidelines

At Planit, we strive to ensure that the reviews of the experiences booked through our app provide helpful insights to fellow adventurers looking to make the most of their travels. Reviews on our platform are crucial in guiding future guests and maintaining the quality of experiences we offer.

Guidelines for Submitting Reviews:

1. Accountability:

• Users are encouraged to use their real names when leaving reviews to foster transparency and trust.

• If you prefer not to display your full name, you may opt for a private review, which will be used internally to assess service quality.

• Reviews under false or incomplete names, or those that do not adhere to our guidelines, will not be published.

2. Honesty and Accuracy:

• Only submit reviews based on genuine experiences you’ve had with the specific activity or venue.

• Provide an honest overview, including aspects like the quality of the experience, customer service, and overall satisfaction.

• Constructive feedback is valued, whether positive or negative. Remember, we all have off days, so please keep comments fair and helpful.

3. Language Use:

• Avoid swearing, crude language, and any content that could be viewed as defamatory or discriminatory.

• Reviews should not include personal insults or promote intolerance towards individuals or groups based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic.

• Please refrain from using ALL CAPS in reviews, as this can be perceived as shouting.

• External links are not allowed in reviews.

4. Addressing Concerns:

• If you are unhappy with your experience or encounter issues such as poor service or dissatisfaction with the provider, we encourage direct communication with the provider to resolve these concerns.

• In cases of injury or safety concerns during an activity, it is crucial to inform the provider immediately and follow appropriate safety procedures.

• Reviews related to serious dissatisfaction or injuries will be carefully reviewed, and we will hold off on publication until we can verify the situation to ensure accuracy and fairness for all parties involved.

5. Review Moderation:

• Each review submitted is subject to moderation to ensure it complies with our publishing criteria.

• Reviews may be edited for clarity, spelling, and grammar before publishing.

• Reviews that do not meet our standards may be omitted.

6. Review Publication:

• You can choose to make your review public or private.

• Public reviews will be screened by our team before being published on our site.

• Please allow up to 30 days for your review to appear.

Promotion Rights:

• Planit reserves the right to use any review in our marketing materials, including but not limited to email marketing and social media content.

Your experiences and insights are invaluable to us and the Planit community. By sharing your feedback, you help us enhance our offerings and assist others in creating memorable journeys. Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping us maintain the high standard of experiences offered through Planit.

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